Tuesday, August 5, 2008

fading like a flower


again! aku bgn lambat lg hari ney.. damn! ape nk jadik neh.. tp better ah dr smlm..haha. smlm class aku kol 9am,,aku sedar kol 8.55am!!! (dan aku telah monteng class ii..hihi) tp hari ney,,class kol 8am,,and mata aku tercelik secara otomatik kol 7.30am.so,,sempat la g class..class theory of structure (TOS)! (ohh,,aku berazam tidak akan monteng class ini! janji2!!)


im craving for ikan keli for almost a week! bila mengidam nak mkn tulah die xde!
tp2 ari g cafe dok usha ikan keli je..tp hampa.
at last,,,hari ney,,5/8/2008,,aku dpt mkn ikan keli...haha! tah pape.


ney 1 lagi prob besor yg melanda & menghantui idop aku. weehhh,,sape blh tolong?? aku xreti nak bt report for direct shear test. ape kemendenye tuh. yg aku taw ari2 mase kat lab,, klik2 kat komputer,,pas2 tros kuar result.. then,,which part of the result y aku kene operate?? mlm td aku ngadap je lab manual 2.tp ternyata ampeh!


Singgah pameran kebudayaan & kesenian tuh..ahah! aku abadikan muke atas ketas..alah,,potret.. tp cam klaka je. xde rupe aku sgt.nmpak cam beh tua je lukisan orng tua tuh (artist tu la..) tp best gak dok statik cam ala2 model tu..but ok wut..n it only cost RM10.kire setimpal la dgn harga n hasil keje die kot. dok pon xlame..dlm 15mnt je.so guyz,,,plz...dont put high expectation ok! and hoping ur face look like an artist on that "paper" (i do actually! XD )...naa..totally noe!!hAhaha..

mama msgng me just now..owhh,,,wendu bangat sama mama!!!! bila maw balik neh!********

~~~~~got to attend a meeting......adios bebeh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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